Tuesday Ride Cancelled and other things…

Hi Everybody,

We hope you are all staying cool through this unprecedented heat wave. We have decided to cancel this week’s Tuesday evening coffee/ride which was to be held at the Annacis Island Timmies/Wendy’s location. It is just too hot!! Next week we will be back to normal and will meet at McDonalds.

Giselle and I will be heading out Wednesday evening for a 4 day trip to the Rocky Mountains on the bike. We will not be around to host the Zoom meeting, but if you do log in using the link we send out every week, it will work and you can chat up a storm if you wish. Thursday is a holiday (Canada Day) and so is a ride day from McDonalds. If it is not too hot, meet at 8:00, kickstands up at 9:00.

Please be safe and we will see you all when we get back from our adventure.

Dave and Giselle

Chapter Directors,