Upcoming Chapter Breakfast and other things…

Hi Everybody,

I’m still sort of in charge until the end of the month, so I will be sending out a few more email blasts….

First off – don’t forget we have a breakfast meeting coming up this Saturday, May 13th. Ricky’s Restaurant, 100 Schoolhouse Dr, Coquitlam. Try to be there before 9:00. We will NOT be meeting in the private room. I screwed up with the reservations and it got booked. Tables will be set for us along the south wall of windows. We moved it up a week because of the long weekend following. Please wear you new chapter shirts, as I would love to get a group picture outside with as many people gathered as possible showing off the new digs…(It’s time we changed the banner photo on the FB and website…). Dan is planning a ride over the Duffey after the meeting, I think. The weather is supposed to be great!

Secondly – the following Sunday, May 21st, I will be leading a ride up to Sorrento to visit the Dreamcycle Motorcycle Museum. The owner needs a head count by the end of this week so he can arrange appropriate staff. Here is a link to sign up: https://chapterbca.org/event/dream-cycle-museum-tour-sorrento-bc/. We will be meeting at Glenlyon Parkway A&W early – kickstands up at 7:30AM. It is a long day ride, so be prepared. Hopefully the weather holds…

Thirdly – May 28th will be our first Couples Ride. If you haven’t signed up, please do so at https://chapterbca.org/couples-rides/ . Bill Morrill has volunteered to organize the second ride on the 30th of July, so we still need a volunteer to put together a ride for Saturday, August 20th.

Lastly – thank you to all that have responded to my last email blast. It is very heartwarming to know that Giselle and I have so many friends out there!

Dave Ward

Chapter Director

EWMA BC-A, Vancouver